Becky Loo | A paradigm shift in transportation | 2024
M | Keynote speakers
Hani S. Mahmassani | Autonomous vehicles, market adoption and flow implications | 2016
Olivier Michaud | Prospective vision for a sustainable development of Swiss road transport: infrastructure, new technologies or behavior | 2003
Claudio Minca | Touring | 2006
Rolf H. Möhring | Network routing: Integrating dynamic network flows and scheduling | 2013
Patricia Mokhtarian | (How) can we improve the behavioral realism of large-scale land use/transportation models? | 2017
N | Keynote speakers
Kai Nagel | Potentials of computing science in transportation: Research tool and applications | 2003
Kai Nagel | The importance (?) of "stories" | 2014
Anna Nagurney | Perishable product supply chain networks: The role of transportation | 2018
Peter Nijkamp | Mobile telephone data and traffic management: Exploratory research | 2009
O | Keynote speakers
Yanfeng Ouyang | Toward reliable design of service facility location: Addressing the threat of probabilistic disruptions | 2015
P | Keynote speakers
Nathalie Picard | Transportation economics and the family | 2016
Stef Proost | Charging for transport infrastructure use: Answers and questions | 2003
Q | Keynote speakers
Emile Quinet | Rail infrastructure maintenance: A new approach | 2014
R | Keynote speakers
Piet Rietveld | Parking policies and their impacts on retailing in central urban areas | 2002
Claudio Ruch | Autonomy and the future of urban mobility: Beyond the hype | 2018
S | Keynote speakers
Georgina Santos | Transport and climate change | 2017
Martin Savelsbergh | Dynamic discretization discovery algorithms for solving time-dependent shortest path problems | 2019
Andreas Schäfer | NA | 2025
Armin Seyfried | Congestion and pushing at pedestrian bottlenecks | 2022
Grazia Speranza | Trends in transportation and logistics | 2017
T | Keynote speakers
Harry Timmermans | Advances in the development of non-utility-maximizing models of choice behavior in transportation research | 2012
Gunnar Törnqvist | Proximities in a knowledge based economy | 2002
Alex Torday | NA | 2025
U | Keynote speakers
Satish V. Ukkusuri | Multi-modal energy efficient mobility analytics at scale for transportation hubs | 2023
V | Keynote speakers
Erik Verhoef | The economics of urban road pricing | 2005
Eddy van de Voorde | Which way to the sea: Landlocked countries, sea transport and port competition | 2007
Bert van Wee | Controversial policies: Growing support after implementation | 2024
W | Keynote speakers
Paul Waddell | OPUS: An open platform for urban simulation | 2005
John Walker | Measuring unobservables in transport models | 2007
Travis Waller | How we move into the future: Automated transport planning that leverages pervasive data and evolutionary algorithms for humancentric mobility | 2023